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  • Media Release

Extension of deadline for comments on Mobile Accounting Separation & Costing Methodologies

Media Release
Posted: 21st October 2002
Reference Number: PR251002

Extension of deadline for comments on Mobile Accounting Separation & Costing Methodologies

Media Release
Posted: 21st October 2002
Reference Number: PR251002

New Working Group for 3G Site-Sharing

Media Release
Posted: 21st October 2002
Reference Number: PR211002

Telecoms Regulator proposes amendments to Chorus, Esat BT and eircom's Wireless Broadband Licences

Media Release
Posted: 18th October 2002
Reference Number: PR181002

Regulator calls on ntl to give public commitment on MMDS licences

Media Release
Posted: 1st October 2002
Reference Number: PR011002

Regulator Cautions on National Competitiveness

Media Release
Posted: 19th September 2002
Reference Number: PR190902

New Broadband Data to be Released Next Thursday

Media Release
Posted: 12th September 2002
Reference Number: PR120902

New Amateur Radio Regulations Signed

Media Release
Posted: 11th September 2002
Reference Number: PR110902

Vodafone Accepts 3G 'B'Licence

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 2002
Reference Number: PR090902

Telecoms Market Sustained Despite Tough Economic Conditions CPS Subscribers Increase

Media Release
Posted: 5th September 2002
Reference Number: PR050902