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  • Media Release

ComReg Reaction to EU Telecoms Report

Media Release
Posted: 9th December 2002
Reference Number: PR081202

Telecoms Market Showing Signs of Improvement

Media Release
Posted: 3rd December 2002
Reference Number: PR031202

Regulator Calls for Performance Improvement

Media Release
Posted: 29th November 2002
Reference Number: PR291102

ODTR Reviews Funding Structure in Light of New EU Framework

Media Release
Posted: 28th November 2002
Reference Number: PR281102

Regulator accepts ntl's Guarantee on MMDS Digital Roll Out

Media Release
Posted: 8th November 2002
Reference Number: PR081102

New eircom Retail Price Cap Proposed in range of CPI -2 to CPI -0

Media Release
Posted: 8th November 2002
Reference Number: PR081102b

Setting Consumer Service Standards for An Post Comments Invited from the Public

Media Release
Posted: 6th November 2002
Reference Number: PR061102

Irish Regulator calls for Input to European Regulators' Group Work Programme

Media Release
Posted: 31st October 2002
Reference Number: PR311002

An Post Applies to Regulator for Price Increase for international letters

Media Release
Posted: 29th October 2002
Reference Number: PR29a1002

Extension of deadline for comments on Mobile Accounting Separation & Costing Methodologies

Media Release
Posted: 29th October 2002
Reference Number: PR251002