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  • Media Release

ComReg Proposes Revamp of Premium Rate Services

Media Release
Posted: 28th February 2003
Reference Number: PR280203

Irish Consumers to Benefit from new EU Directives

Media Release
Posted: 25th February 2003
Reference Number: PR250203

ComReg Move Progresses FRIACO

Media Release
Posted: 21st February 2003
Reference Number: PR210203

Internet technology could help deliver enhanced voice services at lower costs

Media Release
Posted: 18th February 2003
Reference Number: PR180203a

ComReg Issues Decision Notice on Partial Private Circuits

Media Release
Posted: 18th February 2003
Reference Number: PR180203

ComReg Unveils New Website

Media Release
Posted: 17th February 2003
Reference Number: PR170203

Mobile Spectrum Could Provide Broadband Access

Media Release
Posted: 4th February 2003
Reference Number: PR040203

New eircom Retail Price Cap set at CPI -0

Media Release
Posted: 3rd February 2003
Reference Number: PR030203

Delivery of 5 Cs will Spur Broadband Uptake

Media Release
Posted: 21st January 2003
Reference Number: PR210103

Irish Consumers to keep Mobile Number when moving Operator from July 2003

Media Release
Posted: 10th January 2003
Reference Number: PR100103