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  • Consultation Submissions

Provision of Public Pay Telephones Universal Service: Scope and Designation Submissions to Consultation 20/85

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 21st December 2020
Reference Number: 20/85s

Multi Band Spectrum Award - Updated Versions of Non-Confidential Submissions to Document 19/124, 20/32 and 20/56

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 18th December 2020
Reference Number: 20/122s

Review of Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) – submissions to ComReg Document 19/54 and to Draft Decision

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 14th October 2020
Reference Number: 20/96c

Proposed Multi Band Spectrum Award: Non-confidential Submissions to ComReg Document 20/78

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 7th October 2020
Reference Number: 20/94

Proposed Multi Band Spectrum Award: Non-Confidential Submissions to ComReg Document 20/56

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 26th August 2020
Reference Number: ComReg 20/78

Third Party Business Radio Response to Consultation - Non-Confidential Submissions to Document 20/44

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 24th August 2020
Reference Number: ComReg20/76s

Non-confidential Submissions to Consultation 19/108

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 17th August 2020
Reference Number: ComReg20/62s

Proposed Multi Band Spectrum Award - Non-Confidential Submissions to ComReg Document 20/32

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 24th July 2020
Reference Number: 20/68

Proposed Multi-Band Spectrum Award - Publication of non-confidential submissions to Document 19/124

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 6th July 2020
Reference Number: ComReg 20/56s

Universal Service: Provision of Directory of Subscribers Submission to Consultation

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 1st May 2020
Reference Number: 19/127s