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Quarterly Key Data Report Q3 2023

Information Notice
Posted: 7th December 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/114R

Information Notice Maximum Termination Rates ("Eurorates") - effective from 1 January 2024

Information Notice
Posted: 27th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/109

Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA): Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics - Submissions to Consultation

Information Notice
Posted: 16th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/108b

Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA): Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics - KPMG Supplemental Report

Information Notice
Posted: 16th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/108a

Information Note - Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA): Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics Draft Decision

Information Notice
Posted: 16th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/108

WLA WCA Draft Decision Annex 15 - Non-confidential Oxera Reports

Information Notice
Posted: 14th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/106c

WLA WCA Draft Decision Annex 13 - Relevant NG WLA Market boundaries

Information Notice
Posted: 14th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/106b

WLA WCA Draft Decision Annex 5 - Non-confidential Submissions

Information Notice
Posted: 14th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/106a

Information Notice - WLA WCA Draft Decision

Information Notice
Posted: 14th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/106

PIA Draft Decision Annex 9 Realworld Systems PAR Analysis Non Confidential

Information Notice
Posted: 14th November 2023
Reference Number: ComReg 23/105c