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Regulators Proposals to Enhance Transparency in Accounting Procedures

Media Release
Posted: 22nd April 1999
Reference Number: PR220499a

New Proposals to Encourage Development Of Web Access

Media Release
Posted: 22nd April 1999
Reference Number: PR220499

Framework for Number Portability Set by Regulator

Media Release
Posted: 21st April 1999
Reference Number: PR210499

Regulator invites Eircell and Esat to apply for new mobile spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 16th April 1999
Reference Number: PR160499

Telecoms Regulator Issues Consultatioin Paper on Local Loop Unbundling

Media Release
Posted: 29th March 1999
Reference Number: PRs21

Regulator Reviews the Price Cap on Telecom Eireann

Media Release
Posted: 26th March 1999
Reference Number: PR260399

New Accounting Proposals paves the way for a reduction in interconnection costs

Media Release
Posted: 23rd March 1999
Reference Number: PR230399

Regulator initiates consultation on interconnection

Media Release
Posted: 22nd March 1999
Reference Number: PRs22

New Rules to safeguard future availability of numbers to operators and consumers

Media Release
Posted: 18th March 1999
Reference Number: PR180399