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  • Media Release

Extending Broadband Access within Licensed GSM Radio Spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 12th June 2003
Reference Number: PR120603a

Radio Use for Special Olympics Games 21- 29 June 2003

Media Release
Posted: 9th June 2003
Reference Number: PR090603

New Authorisations replacing Communications Licences

Media Release
Posted: 6th June 2003
Reference Number: PR060603

New mobile applications - The future is here!

Media Release
Posted: 5th June 2003
Reference Number: PR050603

Survey shows that An Post delivers 73% of ordinary letters the next day

Media Release
Posted: 30th May 2003
Reference Number: PR300503

eircom Complies to Price Tariff Obligations

Media Release
Posted: 29th May 2003
Reference Number: PR290503

ComReg lowers price for eircom's Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) Charges

Media Release
Posted: 28th May 2003
Reference Number: PR280503

ComReg: No Compulsory Roadside Letterboxes

Media Release
Posted: 13th May 2003
Reference Number: PR130503

ComReg Approves Tariff Scheme for Vulnerable Users

Media Release
Posted: 2nd May 2003
Reference Number: PR020503b

Single Billing launch for 2 June after Validation Testing

Media Release
Posted: 2nd May 2003
Reference Number: PR020203a