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Regulator reviews eircom's compliance with Price Cap in 2000

Media Release
Posted: 2nd April 2001
Reference Number: PR020401a

Regulator outlines licence framework for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in Ireland.

Media Release
Posted: 23rd March 2001
Reference Number: PR230301

Regulator Updates LLU Progress

Media Release
Posted: 13th March 2001
Reference Number: PR130301

New Licensing Structure for Satellite Services

Media Release
Posted: 7th March 2001
Reference Number: PR070301

Telecoms Regulator Opens Way for Greater Choice on Internet Access Including Flat Rate Access

Media Release
Posted: 5th March 2001
Reference Number: PR050301

eircom's Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO) and the future development of Accounting Separation

Media Release
Posted: 2nd March 2001
Reference Number: PR020301

ODTR Regulation of An Post

Media Release
Posted: 15th February 2001
Reference Number: PR150201