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  • Media Release

ComReg issues a discussion paper on the regulation of bundled products/temporary discounts

Media Release
Posted: 9th October 2003
Reference Number: PR091003

ComReg reaches agreement with eircom over interconnection product

Media Release
Posted: 3rd October 2003
Reference Number: PR031003

ComReg says more consumers and businesses need to get connected

Media Release
Posted: 1st October 2003
Reference Number: PR011003

ComReg says challenge to LLU pricing dropped

Media Release
Posted: 26th September 2003
Reference Number: PR260903

ComReg completes review of Carrier Pre Selection

Media Release
Posted: 24th September 2003
Reference Number: PR240903

ComReg receives 128 applications for Local Area Fixed Wireless Access Licences

Media Release
Posted: 16th September 2003
Reference Number: PR160903

ComReg says emerging alternative technologies can deliver high speed services

Media Release
Posted: 15th September 2003
Reference Number: PR150903

ComReg Quarterly Report shows growing interest in internet services

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 2003
Reference Number: PR090903

ComReg publishes second quarter An Post quality of service report

Media Release
Posted: 2nd September 2003
Reference Number: PR020903