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ComReg Consumer Line Statistics Report Q4 2018

Information Notice
Posted: 11th February 2019
Reference Number: 19/04

ComReg IOB Recruitment Process

Information Notice
Posted: 4th February 2019
Reference Number: ComReg 19/03

ECAS call volumes January to December 2018

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd January 2019
Reference Number: 19/02

Implementing the New NGN Platform

Information Notice
Posted: 4th January 2019
Reference Number: 19/01

Regulation 23(2) Process: Operators Information Note

Information Notice
Posted: 20th December 2018
Reference Number: 18/119

Appeal by Sky in relation to WLA and WCA Markets

Information Notice
Posted: 19th December 2018
Reference Number: 18/116

Quarterly Key Data Report Memorandum Q3 2018

Information Notice
Posted: 13th December 2018
Reference Number: 18/113a

ComReg issues a Notification of a Finding of Non-Compliance to Yourtel Limited with respect to breaches of switching rules

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 13th December 2018
Reference Number: 18/114

Wholesale Compliance Litigation Update

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 10th December 2018
Reference Number: 18/110