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eircom's Reference Interconnect Offer- Decision Notice D10/02

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/55

Inter-Operator Itemised Billing - Response to Consultation and Decision Notice (R)

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/54

Significant Market Power in the Irish Telecommunications Sector - Decision Notice D8/02

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/53

Dispute Resolution Determination D4/02 - Summary

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/52

Future Regulation of Electronic Communications Networks and Services - Future Authorisations

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/51

Broadband and datacommunications survey - June 2002

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/50a

The Irish Communications Market Quarterly Review - June 2002

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/50

Expanding Opportunities in the Radiocommunications Market: Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/49

Response to request for comments From the Forum on Broadcasting - 2002

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/48