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Irish Telephony Numbering Scheme Status Report - October 2002

Information Notice
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/84

Numbering Conventions Draft Version 3.0

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/82a

Numbering Conventions 2nd Revision

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/82

New Market Perspectives: speech by Etain Doyle, ODTR Conference, 19th September 2002

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/81

Dispute Resolution Determination No. 06/02 Summary

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/80

Future Delivery of Broadband in Ireland

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/79

Part VI: Technical Conditions of Experimenter's Station - Amateur Radio Regulations

Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/78R

The Irish Communications Market Quarterly Review - Key Data September 2002

Quarterly Report
Posted: 1st January 2002
Reference Number: 02/76b