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  • Media Release

ComReg Publishes 3rd Quarter An Post Quality Of Service results

Media Release
Posted: 21st November 2003
Reference Number: PR211103

Ireland performs well in the European Commission's 9th Implementation survey

Media Release
Posted: 20th November 2003
Reference Number: PR201103a

ComReg announces 59 New Licence Offers for Local Broadband Wireless Services

Media Release
Posted: 6th November 2003
Reference Number: PR061103

ComReg provides update on An Post's Terminal Dues negotiations

Media Release
Posted: 23rd October 2003
Reference Number: PR231003

ComReg publishes guidelines on minimum set of requirements for end-users contracts

Information Notice,Media Release,Guidelines
Posted: 22nd October 2003
Reference Number: PR221003a

ComReg starts consultation for review of Key Communications Markets

Media Release
Posted: 22nd October 2003
Reference Number: PR221003

ComReg outlines PPC Savings

Media Release
Posted: 21st October 2003
Reference Number: PR2110031

ComReg outlines new fees to promote spectrum efficiency

Media Release
Posted: 17th October 2003
Reference Number: PR171003

ComReg publishes consultation paper on Mobile Number Portability

Media Release
Posted: 10th October 2003
Reference Number: PR101003