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  • Media Release

ComReg Welcomes Broadband Price Reductions

Media Release
Posted: 12th February 2004
Reference Number: PR120204

ComReg guide encourages consumers to exercise choice for telephone calls.

Media Release
Posted: 5th February 2004
Reference Number: PR050204a

eircom Reduces Prices for Partial Private Circuits

Media Release
Posted: 5th February 2004
Reference Number: PR050204

An Post's quality of service under scrutiny

Media Release
Posted: 3rd February 2004
Reference Number: PR030204a

ComReg publishes its findings of the review of the wholesale broadcasting transmission market

Media Release
Posted: 3rd February 2004
Reference Number: PR020204

ComReg finds eircom in breach of the Carrier Pre-Selection Code of Practice

Media Release
Posted: 27th January 2004
Reference Number: PR270104

ComReg Consults on measures to increase competition in mobile phone market

Media Release
Posted: 27th January 2004
Reference Number: PR270104

Businesses will benefit following ComReg Direction to eircom on leased line transfer

Media Release
Posted: 15th January 2004
Reference Number: PR150104

Consumers to benefit following Comreg direction on broadband

Media Release
Posted: 14th January 2004
Reference Number: PR140104

Consumer Guide for Directory Enquiry Services published by ComReg

Media Release
Posted: 11th January 2004
Reference Number: PR110104