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Framework for the Migration from Legacy Infrastructure to Modern Infrastructure

Posted: 25th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/13R

2021 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation - Fourth Interim Report

Quarterly Report,NIR Site Report
Posted: 25th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/24

Three to refund over €2.6 million of “Post Cancellation Charges” and other retained credits

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 24th March 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/23

Application form for a Further Temporary Electronic Communications Service Licence (No.4)

Application Form
Posted: 16th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/22a

Opinion of Non-Compliance to Vodafone Ireland Limited in relation to porting charges

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 14th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/21

Information Notice: ComReg Decision D11/21 - Access Network Model

Information Notice
Posted: 10th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/20

Quarterly Key Data Report Q4 2021

Information Notice
Posted: 10th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/19

EU Regulation concerning broadcasting prohibition in view of Russia’s actions in Ukraine

Information Notice
Posted: 4th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/18

Notification of Opinion of Non-Compliance issued to Eircom Limited

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 4th March 2022
Reference Number: 22/16