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  • Media Release

ComReg secures convictions against unlicensed broadcasters

Media Release
Posted: 1st July 2004
Reference Number: PR010704

Consultation on Mobile Telephony Interceptors

Media Release
Posted: 22nd June 2004
Reference Number: PR220604

ComReg issues consultation paper on Numbering for VoIP Services

Media Release
Posted: 17th June 2004
Reference Number: PR170604a

ComReg Quarterly Reports Shows 3% increase in communications revenue in the past 12 months

Media Release
Posted: 17th June 2004
Reference Number: PR170604

ComReg issues Consultation Papers on Market Analysis for Retail and Wholesale leased lines

Media Release
Posted: 4th June 2004
Reference Number: PR040604

ComReg introduces measures for clear pricing on telephone services

Media Release
Posted: 2nd June 2004
Reference Number: PR020604

ComReg accepts Quality of Service Target for An Post

Media Release
Posted: 1st June 2004
Reference Number: PR010604

ComReg issues direction to eircom over breaches of the CPS Code of Practice

Media Release
Posted: 27th May 2004
Reference Number: PR270504