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  • Application Form

Numbering Conditions of Use and Applications Process

Application Form,Rights of Use
Posted: 22nd December 2015
Reference Number: 15/136
Decision Number: 08/15

Section 43(3) Dispute Resolution Procedures Fee and Method of Payment

Application Form
Posted: 29th January 2015
Reference Number: 15/07a

Wireless Telegraphy (Interim GSM Mobile Telephony) Licence application form

Application Form
Posted: 9th December 2014
Reference Number: 14/133
Decision Number: D13/14

Application Form Application for National Telemetry Radio Licence

Application Form
Posted: 6th June 2014
Reference Number: 14/56a

Application Form Application for amendment to the MDRS Register of users

Application Form
Posted: 5th March 2014
Reference Number: 14/14r1

Spectrum Transfer and Lease Framework in Ireland: Procedures and Guidelines, and Notification Form(s)

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 31st January 2014
Reference Number: 14/11r

ComReg Incident Reporting Template

Application Form
Posted: 8th January 2014
Reference Number: 14/02a

Application Form for 1800 MHz spectrum rights of use

Application Form
Posted: 6th December 2013
Reference Number: 13/104a

GSM for Railway Licence Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 3rd December 2013
Reference Number: 13/115a

Application Form - BWALA Licences

Application Form
Posted: 26th September 2013
Reference Number: 13/92a