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Opportunities for trialling wireless services and technologies in Ireland

Consultation Response
Posted: 29th November 2004
Reference Number: 04/115

ComReg Interactive Tariff Guide - Invitation to Tender

Public Tender
Posted: 25th November 2004
Reference Number: ITT0402

Information Notice - ComReg Interactive Tariff Guide

Information Notice
Posted: 25th November 2004
Reference Number: 04/114

ComReg outlines proposed remedies in the market for wholesale broadband access

Media Release
Posted: 19th November 2004
Reference Number: PR191104

Response to Consultation on Draft Decision on Obligations Market Analysis - Wholesale Broadband Access

Consultation Response
Posted: 19th November 2004
Reference Number: 04/113

ComReg proposes to place obligations on RTE Network Transmission Limited

Media Release
Posted: 17th November 2004
Reference Number: PR171104

ComReg proposes cuts in LLU line share price

Media Release
Posted: 12th November 2004
Reference Number: PR121104

Local Loop Unbundling Line Sharing - Consultation on Pricing Principles

Posted: 12th November 2004
Reference Number: 04/111

ComReg responds to overcharging by Vodafone

Media Release
Posted: 5th November 2004
Reference Number: PR051104a