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Market Analysis - Interconnection Markets, Annex C - Views of Respondents

Consultation Response
Posted: 19th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/37b

Market Analysis - Interconnection Markets, Response to Consultation and Consultation on Draft Decisions

Consultation Response
Posted: 19th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/37a

ComReg publishes its response to consultation on Spectrum Management Strategy for 2005 2007

Media Release
Posted: 17th May 2005
Reference Number: PR160505

Response to Consultation on a strategy for the management of the radio spectrum

Consultation Response
Posted: 16th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/36

Consumer Guides for Cross-Border Telephone Users launched by ComReg

Media Release
Posted: 10th May 2005
Reference Number: PR100505

Wireless Trial Licence - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 6th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/35b

Wireless Test Licence - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 6th May 2005
Reference Number: 05/35a

ComReg survey shows emergence of mobile-only homes

Media Release
Posted: 29th April 2005
Reference Number: PR290405

Trends Survey Series Q1,2005. Residential Telecommunications and Broadcasting Survey Report

Market Commentary
Posted: 29th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/34b