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  • Media Release

ComReg proposes cuts in LLU line share price

Media Release
Posted: 12th November 2004
Reference Number: PR121104

ComReg responds to overcharging by Vodafone

Media Release
Posted: 5th November 2004
Reference Number: PR051104a

ComReg sets price for eircom's Local Loop Unbundling Charge

Media Release
Posted: 5th November 2004
Reference Number: PR051004

ComReg Permits Use of Mobile Telephone Interceptors

Media Release
Posted: 3rd November 2004
Reference Number: PR031104

ComReg guide on Single Billing - A new era of choice for consumers

Media Release
Posted: 29th October 2004
Reference Number: PR291004

ComReg proposes new opportunities for the provision of broadband over wireless

Media Release
Posted: 28th October 2004
Reference Number: PR281004

ComReg issues consultation paper on interconnection markets

Media Release
Posted: 22nd October 2004
Reference Number: PR220904

ComReg sets out framework for Voice Over Internet Services in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 14th October 2004
Reference Number: PR141004

New website launched to assist Consumers

Media Release
Posted: 13th October 2004
Reference Number: PR131004

Suspension of ntl's direct telephone service

Media Release
Posted: 11th October 2004
Reference Number: PR111004