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Survey shows consumer awareness of new technologies

Media Release
Posted: 20th February 2006
Reference Number: PR200206

Trends Survey Series Q4 2005. Residential Telecommunications and Broadcasting Survey Report.

Market Commentary
Posted: 20th February 2006
Reference Number: 06/08b

ComReg Trends Report Q4 2005, prepared by Amarach Consulting

Market Commentary
Posted: 20th February 2006
Reference Number: 06/08a

ComReg response to the Forfás report on Benchmarking Ireland’s Broadband Performance

Consultation Response
Posted: 3rd February 2006
Reference Number: 06/07

Market Analysis: Retail Markets (1 - 6), Interconnection Market ( 8 - 10)

Information Notice
Posted: 1st February 2006
Reference Number: 06/05

ComReg Statement on An Post's Revised Rates and Services

Media Release
Posted: 31st January 2006
Reference Number: PR310106

ComReg survey shows Irish Businesses continue to take up Broadband

Information Notice
Posted: 25th January 2006
Reference Number: PR250106

Business Telecommunications Survey Wave 2,2005: Survey Data

Market Commentary
Posted: 25th January 2006
Reference Number: 06/04b

Business Telecommunications Survey Wave 2, 2005: Report & Analysis

Market Commentary
Posted: 25th January 2006
Reference Number: 06/04a