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  • Media Release

ComReg issues Directions to enable Internet Phone Services

Media Release
Posted: 17th February 2005
Reference Number: PR170205

ComReg orders eircom to comply with LLU direction

Media Release
Posted: 15th February 2005
Reference Number: PR150205

ComReg consults on the format and content of its Quarterly Market Report

Media Release
Posted: 4th February 2005
Reference Number: PR040205

ComReg Issues a further direction to eircom on Local Loop Unbundling

Media Release
Posted: 2nd February 2005
Reference Number: PR020505

ComReg holds first meeting of its Expert Advisory Group for the Postal Sector

Media Release
Posted: 27th January 2005
Reference Number: PR270105

ComReg Report shows broad support for the introduction of Postcodes in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 26th January 2005
Reference Number: PR260105

ComReg survey illustrates the benefits of competition in the telecoms sector

Media Release
Posted: 25th January 2005
Reference Number: PR250105

ComReg welcomes the European Commission's endorsement of its review of the Irish mobile market

Media Release
Posted: 21st January 2005
Reference Number: PR210105

ComReg and Ofcom publish first report on cross-border telecoms issues

Media Release
Posted: 19th January 2005
Reference Number: PR190105

ComReg proposes to remove obligations from eircom for high bandwidth Retail Leased Lines

Media Release
Posted: 17th January 2005
Reference Number: PR170105