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ComReg survey indicates a growing awareness and application of broadband among Irish businesses

Media Release
Posted: 1st May 2007
Reference Number: PR010507

Business Telecommunications Survey Wave 2, 2006: Survey Results

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st May 2007
Reference Number: 07/23a

The Internet and Broadband Experience for Business Users

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st May 2007
Reference Number: 07/23

Personal Broadband Wins 1800 MHz Auction

Media Release
Posted: 27th April 2007
Reference Number: PR270407

ComReg says advanced technology could reap greater benefits from spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 13th April 2007
Reference Number: PR130407

Dynamic Spectrum Access - Briefing Note

Briefing Note
Posted: 13th April 2007
Reference Number: 07/22

Consultation on Number Portability in the Fixed and Mobile Sectors

Posted: 10th April 2007
Reference Number: 07/21

Response to Consultation - The Cost Orientation Obligation in Providing Number Information to the National Directory Database

Consultation Response
Posted: 5th April 2007
Reference Number: 07/20
Decision Number: 02/07