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  • Media Release

ComReg consults on future strategy for the telecoms sector

Media Release
Posted: 5th April 2005
Reference Number: PR050405

ComReg places obligations on Vodafone and O2 to allow for more competition in the phone market

Media Release
Posted: 24th March 2005
Reference Number: PR240305

ComReg announces establishment of Consumer Advisory Panel

Media Release
Posted: 23rd March 2005
Reference Number: PR230305

ComReg finds eircom dominant in fixed line and calls markets

Media Release
Posted: 22nd March 2005
Reference Number: PR220305

ComReg proposes cuts in LLU line share price

Media Release
Posted: 21st March 2005
Reference Number: PR210305

ComReg Quarterly Report confirms continued growth in the telecoms sector

Media Release
Posted: 18th March 2005
Reference Number: PR180305

ComReg publishes Report on the Quality of Service performance of An Post for 2004

Media Release
Posted: 11th March 2005
Reference Number: PR110305

ComReg consults on Telephone Universal Service Obligations

Media Release
Posted: 4th March 2005
Reference Number: PR040305

ComReg consults on definition of the universal postal service

Media Release
Posted: 2nd March 2005
Reference Number: PR020305

ComReg designates Vodafone and 02 as having Significant Market Power

Media Release
Posted: 22nd February 2005
Reference Number: PR220205