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Information Notice - Climate Change and its Effect on Network Resilience - A study by Frontier Economics

Information Notice
Posted: 8th December 2022
Decision Number: ComReg 22/100

Internet Access Service Switching Forum

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd December 2022
Reference Number: 22/99

Withdrawal of Access of Legacy TDM Interconnection Services

Information Notice
Posted: 28th November 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/98

Parcel data for Ireland 2018 - 2021

Posted: 23rd November 2022
Reference Number: 22/97

Third Interim Report 2022 - Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation

NIR Site Report
Posted: 17th November 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/96

Spectrum Intelligence & Investigations Annual Report 2021 - 2022

Annual Report
Posted: 9th November 2022
Reference Number: 22/94

ComReg makes a Finding of Non-compliance against Three regarding Premium Rate Services

Information Notice
Posted: 9th November 2022
Reference Number: 22/95

Non-Confidential Submissions to Document 21/134 and 21/134A

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 9th November 2022
Reference Number: 22/93b

DotEcon Report Fixed Links Bands Review - Assessment of responses to second consultation

Consultants Report
Posted: 9th November 2022
Reference Number: 22/93a