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  • Media Release

ComReg issues report on An Post's quality of service for Q2 2005

Media Release
Posted: 22nd September 2005
Reference Number: PR220905a

ComReg announces new licensing scheme for provision of services to Business Radio users

Media Release
Posted: 22nd September 2005
Reference Number: PR220905

ComReg publishes its Radio Spectrum Management Strategy for 2005-2007

Media Release
Posted: 15th September 2005
Reference Number: PR150905

Three Companies Apply for Fourth 3G mobile licence

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 2005
Reference Number: PR090905

ComReg issues decision on Universal Service Obligations

Media Release
Posted: 7th September 2005
Reference Number: PR070905

ComReg invites submissions on An Post's proposed price increases

Media Release
Posted: 1st September 2005
Reference Number: PR010905

ComReg publishes consultation paper on Retail Minus price control for wholesale bitstream

Media Release
Posted: 19th August 2005
Reference Number: PR190805

ComReg survey shows growing consumer awareness of minimising costs of using mobile phones abroad

Media Release
Posted: 11th August 2005
Reference Number: PR110805

ComReg removes requirement on eircom to publish telephone directories in CD format

Media Release
Posted: 10th August 2005
Reference Number: PR100805