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ComReg secures reductions in termination charges from mobile operator 3

Media Release
Posted: 24th April 2009
Reference Number: PR240409

Further reductions in mobile termination charges by Vodafone, O2, and Meteor will benefit consumers

Information Notice
Posted: 16th April 2009
Reference Number: 09/32

Determination in the dispute between Colt Telecom Ireland and Eircom

Posted: 8th April 2009
Reference Number: 09/30

Leased Line Market Review Update

Information Notice
Posted: 8th April 2009
Reference Number: 09/29

Provision of Universal Service by Eircom - Performance Data Q3 2008

Information Notice
Posted: 3rd April 2009
Reference Number: 09/28

Notification of ComReg investigation into Eircom Wholesale Bitstream interleaving setting processes

Information Notice
Posted: 3rd April 2009
Reference Number: 09/27