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  • Media Release

Survey shows consumer awareness of new technologies

Media Release
Posted: 20th February 2006
Reference Number: PR200206

ComReg Statement on An Post's Revised Rates and Services

Media Release
Posted: 31st January 2006
Reference Number: PR310106

ComReg issues contract for technical specification of proposed postal code system

Media Release
Posted: 22nd December 2005
Reference Number: PR221205b

ComReg publishes consultation paper on Regional Digital Video Broadcasting in the UHF Band

Media Release
Posted: 22nd December 2005
Reference Number: PR221205a

ComReg Awards wideband digital licences

Media Release
Posted: 21st December 2005
Reference Number: PR211205

ComReg publishes its response to An Post's proposed domestic price increases

Media Release
Posted: 20th December 2005
Reference Number: PR201205a
Decision Number: D12/05

ComReg publishes 05 Q3 Communications Sector Quarterly Report

Media Release
Posted: 20th December 2005
Reference Number: PR201205

ComReg announces outcome of phase one of its Third Party Business Radio Licensing Scheme

Media Release
Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: PR151205a

ComReg and Ofcom propose coordinated award of spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: PR151205