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  • Media Release

ComReg launches new home phone and broadband sections to its website

Media Release
Posted: 6th September 2006
Reference Number: PR060906

ComReg to give green light to iTrips

Media Release
Posted: 5th September 2006
Reference Number: PR050906

ComReg publishes review of framework for Voice over Internet telephone services

Media Release
Posted: 31st August 2006
Reference Number: PR310806

ComReg says emerging wireless technology could provide cheaper calls

Media Release
Posted: 30th August 2006
Reference Number: PR300806

ComReg consults on a retail price cap as a remedy on fixed narrowband access markets

Media Release
Posted: 21st August 2006
Reference Number: PR210806

ComReg consults on markets for fixed narrowband access and payphones

Media Release
Posted: 17th August 2006
Reference Number: PR170806

ComReg holds competition for spectrum in the 26 GHz band

Media Release
Posted: 14th August 2006
Reference Number: PR140806

ComReg survey shows businesses are increasingly adopting a range of broadband technologies

Media Release
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: PR110806_

ComReg publishes its Response to Consultation on the wholesale international roaming market

Media Release
Posted: 11th August 2006
Reference Number: PR110806

New call sign format for Ships' Radio Licences

Media Release
Posted: 5th August 2006
Reference Number: PR050806