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Emergency Call Answering Service: Call Handling Fee Review 2012/2013

Posted: 2nd November 2011
Reference Number: 11/81

Consultation on Future use of 2.6 GHz radio spectrum band

Posted: 2nd November 2011
Reference Number: 11/80

Information Notice - Provision of Universal Service by Eircom - Quality of Service

Information Notice
Posted: 2nd November 2011
Reference Number: 11/79

Consultation on sharing mechanism for any USO Fund: Principles and Methodologies

Posted: 28th October 2011
Reference Number: 11/77

Submissions to Preliminary Consultation: Electronic, and other, itemised bill formats

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 28th October 2011
Reference Number: 10/96s

ComReg notifies Vodafone of findings of Non-compliance with respect to electronic billing

Information Notice
Posted: 26th October 2011
Reference Number: 11/76

Speech by Commissioner Mike Byrne, Americas Spectrum Conference

Posted: 25th October 2011
Reference Number: