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Verizon reaches agreement with Eircom and withdraws dispute resolution request

Information Notice
Posted: 1st March 2012
Reference Number: 12/16

Eircom Accounting Separation - ComReg grants further extension to Regulated Accounts publication

Information Notice
Posted: 29th February 2012
Reference Number: 12/15

Issue of analogue transmission public service broadcasting licences to RTÉ & TG4

Licence Text
Posted: 29th February 2012
Reference Number: 12/13

Extension of Deadline for Eircoms Universal Service Funding Application

Information Notice
Posted: 28th February 2012
Reference Number: 12/14
Decision Number: D04/11

Current Available Interleaved Spectrum within 470 - 790 MHz

Information Notice
Posted: 24th February 2012
Reference Number: 12/11

Premium Rate Services: Publication of Findings of Non-Compliance with Licence Conditions

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd February 2012
Reference Number: 12/12

Fixed Links Survey

Discussion Paper
Posted: 15th February 2012
Reference Number: 12/10