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  • Consultation

Premium Rate Services - Consultation on Industry Levy

Posted: 7th June 2013
Reference Number: 13/53

Proposed revision of the Register of Users on the Managed Digital Radio Services Network

Posted: 6th June 2013
Reference Number: 13/54

Consultation on H3GI's request for an amendment to its Liberalised Use Licence

Posted: 9th May 2013
Reference Number: 13/43

Consultation and Draft Decision: Leased Line Markets Review of Urban Centres

Posted: 17th April 2013
Reference Number: 13/39
Decision Number: D02/10

Numbering for Machine-to-Machine Communications

Posted: 28th March 2013
Reference Number: 13/33

Postal Levy Consultation

Posted: 27th March 2013
Reference Number: 13/30