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  • Media Release

ComReg Quarterly Report shows there are over a million internet subscribers in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 27th March 2007
Reference Number: PR270307

New Services in Fixed-Mobile telecommunications get the green light

Media Release
Posted: 14th March 2007
Reference Number: PR140307

ComReg announces closing date of application for Spectrum Auction 1785-1805 MHz

Media Release
Posted: 13th March 2007
Reference Number: PR120307

ComReg issues fourth 3G mobile licence

Media Release
Posted: 12th March 2007
Reference Number: PR120307b

ComReg responds to eircom LLU announcement

Media Release
Posted: 6th March 2007
Reference Number: PR060307

ComReg research says content is key to boosting internet usage

Media Release
Posted: 1st March 2007
Reference Number: PR010307

ComReg publishes performance indicators for Eircom's Universal Service Obligation

Media Release
Posted: 23rd February 2007
Reference Number: PR230207

An Post to revise postage rates

Media Release
Posted: 9th February 2007
Reference Number: PR090207
Decision Number: 01/07

Eircom requests funding for universal service

Media Release
Posted: 5th February 2007
Reference Number: PR020207