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  • Market Commentary

The Irish Communications Market Quarterly Review - December 2001

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/93

The Irish Communication Market - Quarterly Review - September 2001

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/72

The Irish Communications Market Quarterly Review - June 2001

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/41

The Irish Communications Market Quarterly Review - March 2001

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2001
Reference Number: 01/14

The Irish Telecommunications Market Two Years After Liberalisation Quarterly Review - December 2000

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/91

The Irish Telecommunications Market Quarterly Review, Sept 2000

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/71

The Irish Telecommunications Market Quarterly Review, May 2000

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/44

The Irish Telecommunications Market Quarterly review, Feb 2000

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 2000
Reference Number: 00/21

Liberalisation in the Irish Telecommunications Market - One Year On

Market Commentary
Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/71