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  • Consultation

Interim 1800 MHz Rights of Use for the period 1 January 2015 to 12 July 2015

Posted: 21st August 2014
Reference Number: 14/88
Decision Number: D02/13

Section 43(3) Dispute Resolution Procedures

Posted: 21st August 2014
Reference Number: 14/87

Preliminary Consultation: Liberalisation of the paired terrestrial 2 GHz spectrum band

Posted: 27th June 2014
Reference Number: 14/65

Universal Service Obligation Measures for disabled end-users

Posted: 29th May 2014
Reference Number: 14/54

Provision of Directory of Subscribers, Universal Service Scope and Designation

Consultation,Consultation Response
Posted: 27th May 2014
Reference Number: 14/51

The provision of telephony services under the Universal Service Obligation

Consultation,Expressions of Interest
Posted: 16th May 2014
Reference Number: 14/48

Management and Maintenance of the National Directory Database

Posted: 1st May 2014
Reference Number: 14/36

Consultation on price cap control for universal postal services

Posted: 15th April 2014
Reference Number: 14/30
Decision Number: D13/13