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  • Information Notice

ComReg Consumer Line Statistics Report Q4 2021

Information Notice
Posted: 31st January 2022
Reference Number: 22/06

Assessment of Mobile Network Operators Compliance with Licence Obligations (coverage) Winter 2021

Information Notice
Posted: 21st January 2022
Reference Number: 22/04

Information Notice: Access Network Model Appeal

Information Notice
Posted: 20th January 2022
Reference Number: 22/03

ComReg reports An Post’s performance for next-day delivery of mail in 2020

Information Notice
Posted: 30th December 2021
Reference Number: ComReg 21/144a

Consumer awareness and attitudes to information and battery back-up in a power outage - Survey December 2021

Information Notice,Joint Documents
Posted: 23rd December 2021
Reference Number: ComReg 21/143a

Information Notice - Sub-Duct Self Install Direction and Appeal

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd December 2021
Reference Number: 21/142

District Court Prosecutions Vodafone Porting

Information Notice,Enforcement Actions
Posted: 21st December 2021
Reference Number: 21/140