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  • Market Commentary

Impact of Covid-19 on consumer use and perception of telecommunications services - Survey Q1 2021

Market Commentary
Posted: 30th April 2021
Reference Number: 21/42

Connectivity Survey

Market Commentary,Briefing Note
Posted: 30th March 2021
Reference Number: 21/30

Digital Services & Online Safety Survey

Market Commentary
Posted: 8th February 2021
Reference Number: 21/09

Impact of Covid-19 on consumer use and perception of telecommunications services - 4th Survey Q4 2020

Market Commentary,Briefing Note
Posted: 25th January 2021
Reference Number: 21/06

Impact of Covid-19 on consumer use and perception of telecommunications services - 3rd Survey September 2020

Media Release,Market Commentary
Posted: 6th November 2020
Reference Number: 20/107

Impact of Covid-19 on Consumer Use and Perception of Telecommunication Services

Media Release,Market Commentary
Posted: 10th July 2020
Reference Number: 20/61

Republic of Ireland Quality of Postal Service Monitor - 2019 Annual Report

Market Commentary,Report
Posted: 19th June 2020
Reference Number: 20/50

Market Research - Impact of Covid-19 on Home Broadband

Market Commentary,Report
Posted: 14th May 2020
Reference Number: 20/35

Mobile Consumer Experience survey 2019

Market Commentary
Posted: 18th November 2019
Reference Number: 19/101

Irish Postal Users: Small & Medium Enterprises study

Market Commentary
Posted: 17th September 2019
Reference Number: 19/84b