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  • Media Release

ComReg publishes its 2008-10 Postal Strategy Statement

Media Release
Posted: 15th February 2008
Reference Number: PR150208

International roaming charges reduced

Media Release
Posted: 7th February 2008
Reference Number: PR070208

ComReg publishes the findings of its 2007 Business and Residential Postal Surveys

Media Release
Posted: 31st January 2008
Reference Number: PR310108a

ComReg finalises competition for Spectrum in the 26GHz band

Media Release
Posted: 29th January 2008
Reference Number: PR290108

ComReg finds Hutchison 3G Ireland dominant in market for voice call termination on its mobile network

Media Release
Posted: 8th January 2008
Reference Number: PR080108

ComReg opens the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz frequency bands for high capacity radio links

Media Release
Posted: 28th December 2007
Reference Number: PR281207

ComReg latest Quarterly Report shows Broadband take-up continues to grow strongly

Media Release
Posted: 18th December 2007
Reference Number: PR181207a

ComReg issues Complaints and Dispute Resolution Guidelines to protect Postal Consumers

Media Release
Posted: 18th December 2007
Reference Number: PR181207

ComReg publishes its Strategy Statement for 2008-2010

Media Release
Posted: 17th December 2007
Reference Number: PR171207

ComReg publishes Draft Strategy Statement for the Postal Sector

Media Release
Posted: 13th December 2007
Reference Number: PR131207