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  • Media Release

ComReg announces the outcome of the 26 GHz National Block Licence Award Process

Media Release
Posted: 6th June 2008
Reference Number: PR060608

ComReg sets fixed-line quality standards for Eircom

Media Release
Posted: 28th May 2008
Reference Number: PR280508
Decision Number: 02/08

ComReg sets new Eircom cost of capital at 10.21%

Media Release
Posted: 22nd May 2008
Reference Number: PR220508

ComReg publishes its Review of the Code of Practice for Carrier Pre-Selection

Media Release
Posted: 29th April 2008
Reference Number: PR290408

ComReg Business Survey reveals that adoption of mobile broadband is strong

Media Release
Posted: 10th April 2008
Reference Number: PR100408

ComReg extends deadline for responses to draft Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2008 - 2010

Media Release
Posted: 2nd April 2008
Reference Number: PR020408

ComReg reports of An Post quality of service for 2007

Media Release
Posted: 28th March 2008
Reference Number: PR280308

ComReg latest Quarterly Report shows Ireland has over 5 million mobile phone subscriptions

Media Release
Posted: 18th March 2008
Reference Number: PR180308

ComReg outlines draft strategy to manage the Ireland's Radio Spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 6th March 2008
Reference Number: PR060308

ComReg publishes performance indicators for Eircom's Universal Service Obligation

Media Release
Posted: 22nd February 2008
Reference Number: PR220208