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  • Consultation Response

The provision of telephony services under Universal Service Obligations - Response to Consultation, Decision and Decision Instrument

Decision,Consultation Response
Posted: 29th June 2012
Reference Number: 12/71
Decision Number: D07/12

Response to Consultation (Document 12/37 - Draft Strategy Statement 2012-2014)

Consultation Response
Posted: 29th June 2012
Reference Number: 12/68

Submissions to Consultation ComReg 11/72

Consultation Response
Posted: 15th June 2012
Reference Number: 12/63a

Response to Consultation and Decision: The future of Deflector Licensing in Ireland

Consultation Response
Posted: 6th June 2012
Reference Number: 12/59

Multi-band Spectrum Release: Response to Consultation on the draft Information Memorandum

Consultation Response
Posted: 25th May 2012
Reference Number: 12/50

Response to Consultation 11/51 and Decision - Code of Practice for Premium Rate Services

Regulatory Impact Assessment,Consultation Response
Posted: 5th April 2012
Reference Number: 12/28
Decision Number: D05/12

Next Generation Access (NGA): Proposed Remedies for NGA Markets

Consultation Response,Consultation
Posted: 4th April 2012
Reference Number: 12/27

Decision to extend the termination date of three MMDS licences in force in the 2.6 GHz band in Dublin, Galway and Waterford to April 2014

Consultation Response
Posted: 15th February 2012
Reference Number: 12/09
Decision Number: D03/12

Response to Information Notice 10/84: Licensing Regime for GSM for Railway Operations

Consultation Response
Posted: 29th November 2011
Reference Number: 11/90