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  • Guidelines

Selection of Appropriate Guard Interval for Irish Digital Terrestrial Television

Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/30

Licences for Radio Communications Tests - Guidance Note and Application Form

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/15R

Draft national Numbering Conventions

Posted: 1st January 1999
Reference Number: 99/12

Conditions for the operation of a Digital Cable Relay Network, Issued under an Authorisation

Posted: 23rd December 1998
Reference Number: 98/66R2

Conditions for the Operation of an Analogue Cable Relay Network, Issued under an Authorisation

Posted: 23rd December 1998
Reference Number: 98/64R2

Technical Conditions for the Operation of Conditional Access Systems

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/68

Technical Conditions for the Operation of Digital Programme Services Distribution Systems

Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/67R