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  • Decision

Price Regulation of Bundled Offers

Posted: 8th February 2013
Reference Number: 13/14
Decision Number: D04/13

Next Generation Access: Remedies for Next Generation Access Markets

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 31st January 2013
Reference Number: 13/11
Decision Number: D03/13

Proposal to Extend the Duration of Existing Interim GSM 900 MHz Rights of Use. Response to Consultation and Decision

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 15th January 2013
Reference Number: 13/05
Decision Number: D02/13

Response to Consultation and Decision : Contract Change Notifications

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 30th November 2012
Reference Number: 12/128
Decision Number: D13/12

Decision on Mobile and Fixed Voice Call Termination Rates in Ireland

Posted: 21st November 2012
Reference Number: 12/125
Decision Number: D12/12

Market Review - Voice Call Termination on Individual Mobile Networks - Response to Consultation and Decision

Posted: 21st November 2012
Reference Number: 12/124
Decision Number: D11/12

Dispute procedures for access by a postal service provider to the postal network of a universal postal service provider

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 12th October 2012
Reference Number: 12/111

Postal Regulatory Framework: Response to Consultation, Direction and Regulation

Posted: 26th July 2012
Reference Number: 12/81
Decision Number: D08/12

The provision of telephony services under Universal Service Obligations - Response to Consultation, Decision and Decision Instrument

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 29th June 2012
Reference Number: 12/71
Decision Number: D07/12