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  • Media Release

ComReg publishes 2008 Business and Residential Postal Surveys

Media Release
Posted: 8th December 2008
Reference Number: PR081208

ComReg Business Survey reveals high levels of fixed line, mobile and internet service switching

Media Release
Posted: 5th December 2008
Reference Number: PR051208

ComReg reports on An Post Quality of Service for Q3 2008

Media Release
Posted: 3rd December 2008
Reference Number: PR031208

ComReg imposes obligations on Hutchison 3G Ireland in relation to voice call termination on its own network

Media Release
Posted: 1st December 2008
Reference Number: PR011208
Decision Number: 05/08

ComReg and EIQA launch quality standard in telecommunications bill presentation

Media Release
Posted: 6th November 2008
Reference Number: PR061108

ComReg and NDA host workshop on inclusive/universal design in telecommunications products and services

Media Release
Posted: 5th November 2008
Reference Number: PR051108

International roaming charges for Irish customers reduced

Media Release
Posted: 15th September 2008
Reference Number: PR150908

ComRegs latest Quarterly Report shows over a million broadband connections in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 10th September 2008
Reference Number: PR100908

ComReg reports on An Post quality of service performance between April and June 2008

Media Release
Posted: 4th September 2008
Reference Number: PR040908

ComReg makes additional Spectrum available for Fixed Wireless Broadband Services

Media Release
Posted: 3rd September 2008
Reference Number: PR030908