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Response to Consultation 15/131 on ComReg's radio spectrum management strategy 2016 - 2018

Consultation Response
Posted: 21st June 2016
Reference Number: 16/49


Strategy Statement
Posted: 21st June 2016
Reference Number: 16/50

ComReg publishes its Radio Spectrum Management Strategy for 2016 to 2018

Media Release
Posted: 21st June 2016
Reference Number: PR21062016

Test and Trial Ireland client conducts critical infrastructure IoT applications trial in Co. Mayo

Media Release
Posted: 17th June 2016
Reference Number: PR17062016

Transition from Eirs Copper Network

Consultation Response
Posted: 15th June 2016
Reference Number: 16/01s

Quarterly Key Data Report (R) Q1 2016

Quarterly Report
Posted: 13th June 2016
Reference Number: 16/48r

ComReg issues Quarterly Report for Q1 2016

Media Release
Posted: 9th June 2016
Reference Number: PR09062016

Towerhouse LLP / Eircom Dispute update

Information Notice,Dispute
Posted: 9th June 2016
Reference Number: 16/47

Quarterly Key Data Report Q1 2016 Memorandum

Information Notice
Posted: 9th June 2016
Reference Number: 16/48a

BEREC seeks views on guidelines to implement new net neutrality rules

Media Release
Posted: 8th June 2016
Reference Number: PR06062016