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  • Consultation

ComReg grants an extension to consultation period

Posted: 26th June 2017
Reference Number: 17/60

Consultation on Price control obligations relating to Bundles

Posted: 9th June 2017
Reference Number: 17/51

Consultation on Spectrum leasing in Ireland

Posted: 1st June 2017
Reference Number: 17/47

Electronic Communications Complaints Handling - Code of Practice - Consultation

Posted: 22nd December 2016
Reference Number: 16/118r

Consultation Document on ComReg's Draft Strategy Statement for Electronic Communications 2017 - 2019

Consultation,Strategy Statement
Posted: 21st December 2016
Reference Number: 16/116

Draft Electronic Communications Services Strategy Statement: 2017 – 2019

Consultation,Strategy Statement
Posted: 21st December 2016
Reference Number: 16/115

Battery Back-Up Consultation

Posted: 9th December 2016
Reference Number: 16/109