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  • Decision

Universal Service Obligation Measures for disabled end-users; Text Relay Service (Accessible Version)

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 8th July 2015
Reference Number: 15/69a
Decision Number: D04/15

Universal Service Obligation Measures for disabled end-users; Text Relay Service

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 8th July 2015
Reference Number: 15/69
Decision Number: D04/15

Universal Service Obligation Measures for disabled end-users; Terminal Equipment (Accessible Version)

Consultation,Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 8th July 2015
Reference Number: 15/68a
Decision Number: D03/15

Management of Maintenance of the National Directory Database

Posted: 19th May 2015
Reference Number: 15/44
Decision Number: 02/15

Emergency Call Answering Service - Call Handling Fee

Posted: 14th January 2015
Reference Number: 15/02
Decision Number: D01/15

Cost of Capital

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 18th December 2014
Reference Number: 14/136
Decision Number: D15/14

Response to Consultation and Decision on An Post application for derogations from the universal postal service in respect of certain working days

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 15th December 2014
Reference Number: 14/135
Decision Number: D14/14

Interim 1800 MHz Rights of Use for the period 1 January 2015 to 12 July 2015

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 11th November 2014
Reference Number: 14/121
Decision Number: D13/14

Market Review: Retail Access to the Public Telephone Network at a Fixed Location for Residential and Non Residential Customers

Posted: 28th August 2014
Reference Number: 14/89
Decision Number: D12/14

Wholesale Broadband Access: Price control obligation in relation to current generation Bitstream

Posted: 8th July 2014
Reference Number: 14/73r
Decision Number: D11/14