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  • Media Release

Survey reveals over half of businesses reduced communications spend in 2009

Media Release
Posted: 9th December 2009
Reference Number: PR091209

ComReg reports on An Post Quality of Service performance between July and September 2009

Media Release
Posted: 8th December 2009
Reference Number: PR081209

ComReg report shows strong support for Next Generation Broadband in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 24th November 2009
Reference Number: PR241109

ComReg issues thirty nine new licences for the provision of broadband services

Media Release
Posted: 19th November 2009
Reference Number: PR191109

ComReg research report analyses internet connectivity in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 30th October 2009
Reference Number: PR301009

ComReg publishes report on Digital Dividend Consultation

Media Release
Posted: 20th October 2009
Reference Number: PR201009

ComRegs market report highlights challenging conditions in the communications market

Media Release
Posted: 10th September 2009
Reference Number: PR100909

ComReg reports on An Post quality of service performance between April and June 2009

Media Release
Posted: 3rd September 2009
Reference Number: PR030909