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  • Application Form

Basic Telecommunications Licence - Application form

Application Form
Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/45R2

Geographic Numbering - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/41

Non-geographic numbering - Applications

Application Form
Posted: 1st January 1998
Reference Number: 98/39

Point to Point Radio Link Licence 1 GHz Stage 2 - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 1st January 1997
Reference Number: 97/04

Point to Point Radio Link Licence 1 GHz Stage 1 - Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 1st January 1997
Reference Number: 97/03

Explanatory Notes for Applicants for Point to Point Radio Link Licences in Spectrum above 1 GHz

Application Form
Posted: 1st January 1997
Reference Number: 97/02