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  • Consultation Submissions

ECAS - responses to ComReg Document 15/113

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 11th January 2016
Reference Number: 15/113s

Universal Service Obligation: Provision of Access at a Fixed Location - Submissions to Consultation 15/124

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 31st December 2015
Reference Number: 15/124s

Numbering Conditions of Use and Applications Process - Submissions

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 22nd December 2015
Reference Number: 15/137s

MTR Draft BU LRIC Model: Non-Confidential Operator Responses

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 27th November 2015
Reference Number: 15/19s

Universal Service Obligation - Measures in relation to Text Relay Service

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 24th November 2015
Reference Number: 15/53s(r)

Electronic Communications - Proposed Measures in relation to Text Relay Services

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 24th November 2015
Reference Number: 15/21s

USO Measures for disabled end-users; Terminal Equipment - Submissions received from respondents (Accessible Version)

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 11th November 2015
Reference Number: 15/68av

USO Measures for disabled end-users; Terminal Equipment - Submissions received from respondents

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 6th November 2015
Reference Number: 15/68s
Decision Number: D03/15

Eircom's wholesale access services - Responses to ComReg document 15/67

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 6th November 2015
Reference Number: 15/67s