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  • Consultation

Further Consultation on the Release of the 410 - 415.5 / 420 - 425.5 MHz Sub-band

Posted: 24th October 2018
Reference Number: 18/92

Management and Maintenance of the National Directory Database

Posted: 15th October 2018
Reference Number: 18/91

Provision of Directory of Subscribers Universal Service: Scope and designation

Posted: 10th October 2018
Reference Number: 18/90

Provision of Public Pay Telephones: Universal Scope and Designation

Posted: 27th September 2018
Reference Number: 18/85

Proposed Strategy for managing the radio spectrum 2019 - 2021

Posted: 3rd August 2018
Reference Number: 18/74

Consultation: Review of RTE's Radio and Television Broadcasting Licences

Posted: 12th July 2018
Reference Number: ComReg18/64

Review of universal postal service specification: Consultation and draft amending regulation

Posted: 11th July 2018
Reference Number: 18/66

Proposed Multi Band Spectrum Award - Preliminary consultation on which spectrum bands to award

Posted: 29th June 2018
Reference Number: 18/60R

Provision of Public Pay Telephones Universal Service: Interim Designation

Posted: 28th June 2018
Reference Number: 18/57